How to Pack Kitchen for Moving

Published on
December 19, 2019

There are lots of items in the kitchen. Some are delicate, while others are bulky. Therefore, it is not going to be easy packing your kitchen stuff. If you are doing this for the first time, you should learn how to pack kitchen for moving.  

How to Pack Kitchen for Moving
How to Pack Kitchen for Moving

How to Pack Kitchen for Moving

You could never be in a better place right now. This post will guide you on how to pack your kitchen when moving and some of the things that you should do in advance when you’re buying a home. From the simple items to the big ones, you will learn it all here. Read on and make it easy on yourself during the moving day.

Eat All the Perishables                    

When the moving day comes, all your perishables should be gone. They can give you a packing nightmare if you still have some supplies. Do not shop for more groceries than you need. In fact, you should try to eat out during the last days of your move. This is a key tip to know, especially if you’re moving into a condo and have a little amount of space to place everything in the first place.

Set Essentials Aside

There are things every kitchen, small or, will need. Take time to gather all essentials and pack them separately. You do not want to arrive at your new home to find out that you forgot your coffee machine. It should not bother you much if you forgot a few non-essentials.

Get Packing Materials in Advance

Boxes are going to help you a lot when packing your kitchen for a move. You can also look into alternatives for cardboard boxes, but make sure that they are durable enough to hold up the weight of heavy kitchen materials. They can take anything you throw into them and keep it all safe during the journey. You will also need packing papers and cardboard separators. These will be essential if you don’t already know how to pack silverware. Besides, do not forget to label each box. Most importantly, label delicate items clearly so that loaders will handle the boxes with much care.

Handle Large Appliances Last

The refrigerators and other big appliances are going to give you some packing headaches. Although, you should check if the home that you’re moving into already has these appliances as a part of the things you should check when buying a home. Since they are not easy to move, wait until the last day to move them to the truck. Keeping them where they are will make sure you do not get any obstructions as you pack the smaller items. Do not attempt to move heavy things on your own. It is recommendable to call in professionals when you are not sure of something.

Pack What You Do Not Need First

When you make a packing checklist, start with the things you do not need. As you come closer to the moving date, you will only have a few essentials left to pack. You should avoid running around at the last minute trying to get everything together.

The Refrigerator and Fridge Should Be Plugged First When You Arrive

If your perishables did not run out before the move, you probably packed them. Therefore, you would want to take care of them first when you arrive at the other end. Plug the fridge and freezer the first thing when you get to your new home. You are saving your perishables because you will for sure need them.

Bottom Line

How to pack kitchen for moving requires a set of techniques. You do not just do it anyhow. Create a plan and start with the things you do not need. Follow the plan, and it will be a smooth move.

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