How to Declutter and Pack for a Move – Purge Before a Move

Published on
January 23, 2020

Moving to a new house is an overwhelming feeling, but it can come with stress as well. When you are moving, the most challenging thing that you have to face is the packing. If you are wondering how to declutter and pack for a move, then you are at the right place. You have to get rid of the non-essential things first to declutter and you can sort the rest of the items for packing. There are some steps that you have to follow to declutter the items before you move.

How to Declutter and Pack for a Move

You may scored with buying an affordable home, but now comes the time to move everything. To know more about how you can declutter and pack the move, read on. We will discuss about all the steps that you have to follow before you move to the new house. You need to follow all the steps carefully to ensure that you are getting things done perfectly.

Steps to Declutter Before the Move

One of the best ways to save money when moving is to declutter your house. There are some steps that you have to follow in order to declutter all the items that you have before you move to the new place. You have to sort all the items in different categories such as:

  • Decors
  • Books
  • Kitchen items
  • Collections
  • Outdoor Gear
  • Holiday Items
  • Hobby Supplies

Now, you have to make separate boxes. One must be for packing and another must be a donation box. If you think that some of the items that are of no use to you but can be of someone else’s, then it is better to donate. This way, you can help someone as well as it can help you to declutter your home.

How to Pack in an Organized Way?

How to Declutter and Pack for a Move
How to Declutter and Pack for a Move

Once you have decluttered, it is your time to start packing now. You need to make sure that you have separate boxes for different rooms such as the living room, bedrooms, kitchen etc. You have to also start labeling the boxes according to the goods that you are putting into the box. If you are packing fragile items in a box, make sure to mark it as ‘FRAGILE’. This will help the movers to understand which boxes need most of the attention. Professional packers will also be able to help pack fragile items if you are unable to.

Labeling each and every box will help you when you will unpack the items in the new home. You can also write the names of the items that are in the boxes. Of course, if you have more than one box for any room, you need to have an idea about which box contains what. Make sure to wrap each and every item with enough protections and bubble wrap to keep them safe throughout the journey.

Final Thoughts

This is all about how to declutter and pack for a move, but this is easier said than done. Packing your home efficiently will make it simpler when the movers move your items. So, you need to be very careful when it comes to decluttering. You can either donate the stuff or you can even arrange a garage sale. Both the ways are efficient ways to get rid of the items that are cluttering in your house.

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